I am using the beautiful artwork of Barbara Jensen. To use her work you must purchase a license HERE at EroticArtistGallery.com. Freebie Scrap Kit I Love Denim by Seachell available HERE. Mask WSL_Mask105 by WeeScotLass is HERE.
Plugin Xenofex 2 Constellation
Animation Shop
Font Used: Monika Italic
Let's Get Started!
Open a new image 600x600, floodfill with white.
Copy and paste paper 10 from the kit.
Apply WSL_Mask105 and merge group.
Copy and paste the frame and click inside with your magic wand tool. selections-modify-expand by 15
Copy and paste paper paper 3-selections- invert-hit delete on your keyboard and move this layer under your frame.
Copy and paste your tube, leave the head slightly above the frame and erase any overhang from the bottom of your tube so it looks like it sits inside the frame.
Dropshadow your tube.Resize heart 1 from your kit 50% and paste as a new layer. Use your raster deform tool to rotate it how you wish.
Resize heart 2 from your kit 35% and paste as a new layer, rotate like the other. Duplicate this heart and move to the bottom right of your tag..resize it again if needed. ( I did 90%)
Add a drop shadow of choice to both.
Resize bow 35 percent and paste to your liking.
Resize and paste flowers of choice and arrange them on the left side of your frame.Resize and paste butterflies of choice around your tag.
Resize wordart 20% and place on your paper.
Crop and resize your tag to your preferences. Add your copyright info and watermark.
I used the font Monika Italic for my name.
Duplicate your paper layer 2 times for a total of 3 layers.
X out the top 2 on your original apply Xenofex 2 constellation with the following settings

Do the same for your other 2 layers, changing the random seed on each.
X out the top 2 again and copy merged into animation shop-do the same with the other two X'ed out layers and paste after current frame.
View your animation.
I hope you enjoyed this tut!
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