I am using the adorable artwork of Suzanne Woolcott. To use her art you must purchase a license at gorjussart.com HERE
The scrapkit I used is a fabulous freebie by bluedream designs called SnowBlue. You can pick up this kit HERE.The masks
I used are by Vix (112) HERE and Sabre HERE. My supplies which include a frame and snow made by me and the snow animation
are in my supplies HERE.
Let's get started!
Open a new image 650X600 and floodfill with white.
Copy and paste paper6 as a new layer. Apply Vix_mask 112 to the paper. Layers-load/save mask-load mask from disk
Merge group.
Copy and paste paper8 as a new layer over your mask layer. Apply SabreChristmasMask2quill0 to this second paper same
as before and merge this group also.
Copy and paste the deeframe included in my supplies or frame of choice as a new layer.
Copy and paste the deesnow under your frame and place at the bottom. Erase any overhang outside the frame.
Resize tree 1 60% and copy and paste as a new layer. Place at the left side of the frame.
Resize tree 2 45% and copy and paste as a new layer. Place next to tree 1.
Resize fence 2 25% and copy and paste as a new layer. Place so it is peeking out behind the trees. Duplicate and
place on the other side leaving a space between as a "gateway".
Resize 20% trees 3 & 4 and posistion them behind the fence.
Copy and paste your tubes of choice. I used a Suzanne Woolcott snowman behind the fence, but other snowmen are in the kit.
Resize a border of choice 85% ( I chose the holly swag) and copy and paste at the bottom of your frame. Duplicate
and flip-place the other at the top of the frame.
Resize branch 1 35% and copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the lower left side of the frame. Duplicate the branch
and mirror. Resize branch 2 30% and place over branch 1-duplicate-mirror. Resize, copy and paste elements of choice
I used bow 3, the mittens and a christmas ornament. See my tag for reference.
Copy and paste the word art. I included it in my supplies.
Add your copyright infor, watermark and name. I used a font called "Missed your exit".
Now for the animation!
Close off all layers except your white background and two mask layers.
Copy these merged into animation shop.
Duplicate 10 times the same as our snow animation which I have cropped to fit this tag and have inclued in my
supplies. Edit=select all-edit copy on the snow. Edit-select all- edit paste into selected frame.
Back to psp. Close off your background/mask layer and open the remaining layers. Copy merged into animation shop
do the same as above and arrange it over your background/snow part of your tag.
Run your animation and save as a gif!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!